The revelations of the book of revelation will be a lateral Fibonacci inspired drop of MA-fiat lux interpretations to follow. (I have not actually even read).
It will be on (in) their right hand.
There is nothing smart about them. They will numb or lower ones consciousness.
Smart phones are not to be confused with personal computers with a desk and keyboard.
I suggest plugging a Samsung In for a DEX effect.
The life of Soros is as follows. An ultimatum was delivered to his imitation / Imposter Jewish family by the Russian. Pick one to carry the poison or we take you all out. Soros was delivered onto the fire. He was part of the holocaust. He went to London and crashed their economy. He big plan was to suck the life out of America and abscond back to Italy / Austria. He crashed the New York Stock Exchange. He crashed the economies of Malaysia and several other Asian economies. He mentored the part two of the first beast of the antichrist Barrack Obama. He was decapitated in June of 2022.
Incredibly dangerous beast. He used "i m a cool casual shirt no tie president" to direct attention away from a campaign of genocide in the Middle East. See next section for further evidence of Anti-Christ behavior. Thank God and Donald Trump for swiftly ending this campaign of terror. He will clean up the mess they've made. Again
The Mark of the BEAST was given to left wing "Journalists" that facilitated this staged and orchestrated attempt to destroy earth (God) and most of humanity with survivors to resettle on MARS. Elon Musk is still headed to the War God planet for his painful demise.
"Journalists" + YOUTUBE who served and facilitated this Evil ANTI CHRIST empire. HE WANTED TO DESTROY GOD (MOTHER EARTH)
1. Absconds from an honorable one year military service requirement in his birth country of South Africa.
2. Drops out of Standford after 1 day signifying he could not compete in any way with his peers.
3. Loose connections with Paypal in fact digitized street maps in Chicago
4. Inserted by force into the team behind Tesla (Tesla has run a loss leading product where there has been 0 revenue until recently)
5. With no revenue at this point purchases a SPACE exploration company which again does
What metrics are being used to illustrate the observable damage to Mother Earth. Increasing temperature using inaccurate measuring equipment on computer screen based on a system designed 120 years ago? This is not an accurate representation of the lifecycle of 25,920 year evolutionary cycle. This hyperbole was coming from already industrialized nations with no consideration for the rest of the developing world. India, China and Africa aren't allowed access to a resource (fossil FUEL that she wants gone from her system? It is like leaving the puss of pimple in. Weill meaning but actually selfish with no consideration for the whole planet.
The Democrat + US News Empire
After I decapitated SOROS (Satan monad points flooded my pure vessel) in June 2022 a couple of thee things happened: The News Outlets went into meltdown mode where every presenter had to use an earpiece and be fed an emergency backup program recordings. I had all the cainanite bloodline minions Satan monad points flood my pure vessel). It ended my concrete snowboarding early that night. Reparations.
This far left behavior is far more dangerous than the very well educated women in AUSTRALIA understand. It has been very dangerously used to make people that are engaged in positive and well meaning activity for the good of planet earth or society. Their overlords aim was earths ultimate destruction.